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Follow the links below to find material targeted to the unit's elements, performance criteria, required skills and knowledge

Elements and Performance Criteria

  1. Research materials
  2. Research technologies
  3. Determine project requirements
  4. Refine ideas and recommend solution

Performance Evidence

There must be evidence the candidate has completed the tasks outlined in the elements and performance criteria of this unit, and demonstrated the ability to:

investigate materials and associated technologies that respond to three different design briefs and which individually or cumulatively involve at least two types of materials, and in doing so:

evaluate the variations in costs and quality outcomes associated with different materials and technologies for each of the three design briefs.

Knowledge Evidence

There must be evidence the candidate has knowledge of:

elements and principles of design, their interrelationships and how they are used in materials selection

how different technologies can be used to achieve design elements, and how materials and technologies interact

emerging industry technologies and the potential for application to meet a design brief

production methodologies of furniture (or similar) manufacturers, including suitability of different methods for a range of output volumes

design techniques for products based on materials selection

materials used to produce products, including:

their specifications, behaviours and limitations

wood, plastics, metals and other commonly used materials

how to structure and present research information and recommendations.